What is Mixtape Match?

Mixtape Match plays similar to traditional bingo. But, instead of letters and numbers on the game cards, there are songs. The host will play about a minute of a song and tell you the name of the song and artist. If you have that song on your card, check it off. It’s that easy!

Frequently Asked questions about mixtape MATCH

What are the three rounds like?

A: Each of the three rounds plays similar to bingo. And, each round is a different musical theme. Some examples of round themes are… ‘80s Music, TV Theme Songs, Classic Rock, Current Hits, ‘90s Alternative, One-Hit Wonders, Hair Bands, Old School Hip Hop, etc.

Do I need to know the names of songs and the artists?

A: No. This is not music trivia. The host will play about a minute of a song and tell you the name of the song and artist. If you have it on your card, check it off.

Do I need to play all three rounds?

A: No. But, we’d like for you to play all three rounds. If you are late and miss game #1, you can jump in for game #2 or #3.

How much does this cost?

A: Varies depending on the event or fundraiser. Some games are FREE.

When is the next event?

A: See Below. Hope to see you there!

Where To Play…

Mixtape Match games, at various locations, take place weekly and bi-weekly. (see event schedule)

There are also “Special Event Games” that take place occasionally.

Looking to raise money for your club or organization? Mixtape Match is a perfect fundraiser event. Fill out the contact form for further information.